SBID国际设计大奖(The SBID International Design Awards)设立于2011年,是设计行业最有声望和最有趣的活动之一,面向室内设计师、室内建筑师、房地产开发商、装修商等设计从业人员征集作品。每年由行业权威专家对参赛作品的技术含量和美学创意进行评估。
The SBID International Design Awards was established in 2011, The SBID International Design Awards is one of The most prestigious and interesting events in The Design industry, soliciting works from designers, interior architects, real estate developers, decorators and others. The technical content and aesthetic creativity of the entries will be evaluated annually by authoritative experts in the industry.
SBID —— 零售设计类 入围奖/特等奖